
North Carolina Product Liability Lawyer Blog


Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) and PFAS Litigation Update, Part 2

Back in June I wrote a blog post about a possible $1.185 billion settlement between several defendants in the Aqueous Film-Forming Foams (AFFF) Products Liability Litigation MDL No. 2873 (AFFF MDL). This is a large amount of money, but given how many people and municipalities may have been harmed, this…


Tepezza and Hearing Problems: What You Need to Know

Horizon Therapeutics (Horizon) makes a drug called Tepezza (teprotumumab-trbw). It is a relatively new drug approved by the FDA to treat the symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease (TED). These symptoms include bulging of the eyes, swelling, eye pain, double vision and redness of the eyes. TED is a rare medical…


Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) and PFAS Litigation Update

A while back I published a blog post discussing the potential health problems associated with aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF). Specifically, I discussed how it contained several chemicals (PFAS) that could potentially harm humans. At the time of that blog post, some major litigation concerning AFFF had just begun. But a…


Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water Litigation Update

In a previous blog post, I mentioned how the Camp Lejeune litigation was starting to pick up. Specifically, the court scheduled a status conference to discuss pre-trial matters like protecting evidence and identifying witnesses. Even though we’re still in the early stages of litigation, a few things have happened since…


Important Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water Hearing April 5

Litigation relating to personal injuries from the Camp Lejeune water contamination is beginning to ramp up. In fact, a status conference hearing has been scheduled for April 5, 2023 in one of the cases. But before we discuss what will happen during that conference, let’s take a quick look at…


Johnson & Johnson’s Attempt to Avoid Baby Powder Payouts Fails on Appeal

To most people, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) is a respected company and the maker of popular consumer products. However, J&J has taken quite a hit lately with both its reputation and finances. Specifically, J&J has been accused of causing cancer in thousands of individuals due to the alleged presence of…


Strattice “Pig Skin” Hernia Mesh: A Product and Litigation Overview

Hernias are a common health problem for adults. How they’re treated often depends on an individual’s overall health and how the hernia affects their daily life. When medical treatment is needed, surgery making use of a special mesh is the common recommendation. But some of these meshes have caused problems…


Important Ways You Can Jump Start Your Hernia Mesh Case

Clients approach their defective product cases in different ways. Some call me with an injury caused by a medical device and say, essentially, “figure it out.” I have no problem with a client taking this position. Others keep detailed notes and meticulous records and send me a package of documents…


Where to Learn More About CPAP Lawsuits

For the past year or so, I’ve written extensively about the Philips Respironics (Philips) CPAP, BiPAP and ventilator FDA recalls. Hundreds of CPAP lawsuits have been filed against Philips. The primary problem comes from the foam material Philips uses to reduce the sound and vibration from these machines. What’s Wrong…


Camp Lejeune Water Contamination: How It Happened and Its Health Effects

It’s been a few months since President Biden signed the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 (CLJA) into law. I’ve written several posts discussing this new law, but none of those posts have gone into detail about how and why the drinking water at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune…

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