
Articles Posted in Zimmer M/L Taper Hip


Physical Therapist: Problems with Metal-on-Metal Hip Failures (Part 3)

Today I finish my conversation with Physical Therapist Amy Dougherty on specific problems that may arise with metal-on-metal artificial hip failures: Clay: Over the past ten years you have seen a lot of metal-on-metal hip implants. Several years ago an attempt was made to put a metal-on-metal artificial hip together,…


Physical Therapist: What It Feels Like When Artificial Hips Fail (Part 2)

Let’s dive back in to my hip replacement surgery conversation with Physical Therapist Amy Dougherty, who discusses what sports to avoid after hip surgery and what it feels like when a person suffer an artificial hip failure: Safe and Unsafe Activities and Sports Clay: What are some sports that you…


Zimmer M/L Taper Hip with Kinectiv Technology and VerSys Femoral Head Lawsuits

The human hip is a marvel of bioengineering. It allows for a 360-degree range of motion due to its “ball-in-socket” design. But as we age, this hip joint can sometimes fail. When it does, it may require a total hip replacement. Hip replacements often use a variety of exotic metal…

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